In my journey as a teacher I have changed and adapted to the many learning experiences I have encountered.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Burst n Bubble 2020
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
The Class Novel
During the holidays, I gave the year 6 & 7 learners this book to read. Some did read the , but not completed. I had a conversation with them and most said, they did not have time to read. So I made this book a class reading book. Everyone read, including my Year 8 which are my focus group for my inquiry.
We started the term with our usual routine - the day begins with a book and end with a book - We have 15 minutes silent reading, 3 times a day. We all read together quietly. I read to the class a couple of pages every day too.
As part of the home learning, they read for 30 minutes, silently.
By Thursday, I have majority of my students telling me that they completed the book.
A strong message in this reading and situation - The book is interesting and suitable for the age group. Some the event in the story is relatable to some readers.
On and all, When we give the students time to read and to read something they like, they will be reading. They will have pleasure in reading.
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Mindlab Assignment 1
30% Reflective entry 1: Analyse the issues of society, culture and professional environments in relation to your practice
Seeing year 8 students leaving to college with low level of achievement in relate to Maths, Reading and Writing breaks my heart. These students have been playing catch up in learning since their formal education began at the age of 5 years old. Often, I don’t want to imagine what happened at college for these learners . Majority of them are from working class families or children of migrant parents.
There were times we point finger to teachers but that does not solve the problem. The problem is bigger than us. Who should we blame? To get to the problem, we often stepped backward.
These students are the ones labelled as failure in education because they have not got to the curriculum level expected of them. Some of them go to college and become too overwhelmed with everything and dropped out without achieving level 1 NCEA.
In this situation, the Bureaucratic nature of education, is quite evident, the view of intelligence as unchangeable, as measurable and as a scarce resource (Brown, P., & Lauder, H. (1991). These group of minority learners can not measure up to align their knowledge with what is expected of them. They are not intelligence enough to fit the mould and the expectation of the education system. The expectation of the curriculum is to create a pedagogy conforming to the hierarchical structure of a bureaucracy in which the pace and content of learning is determined by decisions made by a political and administrative process in which the room for manoeuvre of both teachers and students is severely constrained (Brown, P., & Lauder, H. (1991). These learners are falling behind of this expectation due to the rigid structure of the curriculum. They are labelled as failure but is it really their fault and their parents or is it a societal problem? The educational inequalities continues in today’s formal educational system, that is hierarchically structured and chronologically graded .
To level the playing field, I tried to have extra time, to work with these learners. I made the do extra work with the hope they can catch up. I shared the data so they can see where they are at and where the expectations for them in relation to the curriculum.
On the other hand, the free choice and market orientated education system, will also fail these learners. The disparities caused by choice unintentionally contributed to further educational inequalities, while performance gains are only marginal . Those who can make the choices are people who have the resources to enter schools that caters for their needs.
However, in the era of globalisation and technological capabilities, these learners should not be left behind. Creating online learning such as class sites and using google platform for learners to access learning, anywhere, anytime, any place can be a solution. It could be a way to ensure that ‘all boats rise on the same tide’ (Parsons, D. (2017). On the other, this learning platform has its own challenges. Learners need to have the self-discipline and motivation to take their learning on themselves. Considering, the role of parents and families, in supporting the young learners, there is a need to reach out to families to enable them to provide support for their young learners/children.
Using the affordance of technology to access teaching and learning, does not fully alleviate the problem of equity in learning for learners from low socioeconomic. This is because parents does not fully aware of the technical skills their children have and often left them to do it themselves.
With the experience of Covid- 19 and learning from home, learners were evidently showing their environment which is not necessarily supportive of their need to be successful in education. I was privileged to be in their house virtually to have a feel and experience the struggle that these learners have. But for them it is not a struggle. That is their normal life.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Term 3 Reflection
Term 3 Reflection
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Personal Reading at home during the August lockdown.
During the August lockdown (2 weeks). I surveyed my students on their personal reading at home. From what I gathered from their response, I see a change in their reading. It is a satisfying response. I can see that they read more and they listened to a story from Stroyline Online. It is pleasing to see the improvement. However, this time round of lockdown, I was more organised with the learning and I had been vigilant on tracking the reading log.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
How has the Covid-19 period impacted the learners in your focus group? Will you need to make any changes to your Inquiry?
Thursday, 13 August 2020
It pleases me to see the effort of this boy who is an emigrant. He responded well to praises and is very determined to do well. However, I tried different ways of getting my learners to share what they read.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Tracking - Some of the book review of the Year 8 boys.
Tracking boys reading, enable me to get to know what the boys in my learning space like to read. It provides opportunity for myself to understand their needs in term of the reading materials that is available for them. I need to ensure I have books with similar or related topic for them.
Friday, 17 July 2020
Saturday, 23 May 2020
The Stuggle
The Struggle
The Reading Club
The Return to School and The Book Club
On the 22 of May, the Reading Club was formally set up.
Rationale: To develop a love of reading in our students.
When students are engaged in reading and are able to self-select books for pleasure, their achievement in reading, writing and maths will improve.
Who is involved: Eight Year 8 students and their siblings. There are other boys but are not a focus.
How it works:
TWP learning space have increased silent reading time daily - 2 x 15 minutes personal and 1 reading to, or listening to text.
Personal Reading Time - first thing in the morning except Monday and after morning tea.
Parents are asked to monitor the reading at home and sign the reading log
30 minutes uninterrupted reading at home
Friday, 24 April 2020
Beginning of Term 2
As the term began with learning from home or distance learning or online learning, whatever the term we used, the learners learn from home. It was not easy for myself or for my students. I really missed their presence and the physical presence of my learners.
Learning to do the google meet distract the content, however, I focus on the well being rather than the curriculum. The first google meet was a mess. Students did not want to show themselves from their environment. Microphone were mute or unmute. I even did it myself. I talk and forgot I am muted.
Students were coming in as dribs and drabs. It was frustrating to get them together to have a decent teaching and learning. Those learners that come regularly get the benefits of receiving decent teaching time.
I persevered and had to set project work so they can work on it in their own time.
A big realisation I made was, some of my learners were lost on our site in class. When asked if they know their learning, a confused response is give.
In our learning space, we did cross grouping for Year 4 to 8. This means that I will have a Year 7 & 8, Year 5 & 6 or 6 & 7 and a Year 4 group for reading, writing and Maths. This was particularly difficult during lockdown. Having to reach out to the year 4s was very difficult. I understand that it was early in the year but it gave me an important message - The importance of having a confident teacher for this year group. The year 4s need a teacher who is confident with the Learn Create Share Philosophy.
I did not see my year 4 group much, even the year 5 & 6 group. Another important message is that students go to their home teacher as they connect well and the importance of having the homeroom teacher.
A lot to learn.
Thursday, 23 April 2020
A Reading Survey

Saturday, 18 April 2020
The Effect of Covid
The Lockdown and My Inquiry
The term begin with learning from home. I focussed on the wellbeing of learners. We learned to use the google meet and discuss the protocol involved to ensure that we are productive when we are meeting online. It was totally a different experience for the students and myself. I am aware of how conscious my students are in showing their background. They feel that we are invading their privacy. I have to agree with them and we talked about it. It was a great opportunity to enter the students' world at home. It is a great way to get the parents' support and to make them aware of what is happening with their children's learning.
Because my inquiry was in its initial stage, I tried to encourage my students to read something. I encouraged them to go to read online if they don't have a book (doubt it).
Sunday, 29 March 2020
The Lockdown
The Lockdown and Online Distance Teaching and Learning
Friday, 20 March 2020
Identifying and Deciding area of focus for my 2020 inquiry
Where can I concentrate my energies in order to change the experiences and outcomes of my learners and be a powerful contribution to the whole school and cluster goals?
IN collaboration with the senior team and the staff at the TWP (Years 4 - 8) part of the school, I decided to focus on DEVELOPING A LOVE OF READING, WITH PARTICULAR FOCUS ON THE YEAR 8 STUDENTS AND THEIR SIBLINGS.
Thursday, 27 February 2020
The Journey for 2020
In the past few years, I have focussed on developing thinking and conversation skills with focus to accelerate the achieve of my learners in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. I had the support of Jannie, to implement strategies to raise the conversational skills of my learners with the hope that conversation will drive the thinking to engage more in learning.
Deep dive into reading was a success in my learning space. Students come to the reading discussion wth some ideas. However, I noticed that it became onerous. The students needed more than that. Vocabulary was a big need and their general knowledge of their world and what around them is very limited.