Term 2
Week 1 to 4 of term 2 was spend on PROBE AND GloSS test.
The PROBE has provided myself with greater understanding of how my students engage with text. It was a good opportunity to see the reading behaviour and how students try to making meaning out of the text.
It has given me a great insight on how to plan my talanoa/dialogic teaching to cater for their learning needs.
During the GloSS assessment (Global Strategy Stage) in maths, I see the frustration of my learners in trying to understand the question and to transfer it to a mathematical thinking to solve the problem.
This has given me a great opportunity to focus on developing talanoa or talk on how to unpack the text we read.
Again I asked myself
Will dialogic teaching improve the quality of classroom talk/talanoa as a means of increasing students’ engagement, learning and achievement is reading, writing and maths?