In my journey as a teacher I have changed and adapted to the many learning experiences I have encountered.
Saturday, 23 May 2020
The Stuggle
The Reading Club
The Return to School and The Book Club
On the 22 of May, the Reading Club was formally set up.
Rationale: To develop a love of reading in our students.
When students are engaged in reading and are able to self-select books for pleasure, their achievement in reading, writing and maths will improve.
Who is involved: Eight Year 8 students and their siblings. There are other boys but are not a focus.
How it works:
TWP learning space have increased silent reading time daily - 2 x 15 minutes personal and 1 reading to, or listening to text.
Personal Reading Time - first thing in the morning except Monday and after morning tea.
Parents are asked to monitor the reading at home and sign the reading log
30 minutes uninterrupted reading at home