
Saturday, 26 August 2017


My preparation for the Hui has made me really reflect on my inquiry journey. I felt that I was empowered in my journey to dig deeper to why some of my learners are struggling to cope with strategies in place.
During the interactive session, I talked to people who visited my display and had some thought provoking discussions and some affirming. What a great way to share our journey.
 The power of talk.
Loved sharing my journey with A Dixon

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Evidence of Students reflection

A screenshot from two students who wrote this in their blog.  This has given me a feeling of success that my learners has take in what is happening in our learning space.

My Journey so far.....

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Feeling Successful

Watching my learners sharing their thinking with their Thinking Buddy is very rewarding and powerful. The support they get from each other is very rewarding for themselves and me.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


Today I visited Mat’s Goodwin’s classroom at Pt England School to observe his Maths lesson. I really enjoyed observing the interaction between teacher and students and students and students. There is peace and harmony in the classroom and it’s evident that class size matter. There were 20 learners in the space at the time. The  discussion and sharing of ideas among the groups and the whole class was fantastic. Mat was able to reached out to each learner.

I can see that Mat operated the learning space in  a systematic way and I really enjoyed it.

Monday, 21 August 2017

SPX CoL Staff Meeting

Had my CoL staff meeting at SPX - Monday 21 August. This has stirred great discussion as we reflected on our in school inquiry. The process of our in school inquiry reflect the CoL, however, differ in format.
All staff were receptive and have good understanding of the CoL challenges. We identify challenges that relate to us and teachers and school - 2, 3, 4, & 6.
We all had the opportunity to look and explore the CoL teachers blogs and have left some comments. SPX teachers comments.


Today I visited Mat’s Goodwin’s classroom at Pt England School to observe his Maths lesson. I really enjoyed observing the interaction between teacher and students and students and students. There is peace and harmony in the classroom and it’s evident that class size matter. There were 20 learners in the space at the time. The  discussion and sharing of ideas among the groups and the whole class was fantastic. Mat was able to reached out to each learner.
I can see that Mat operated the learning space in  a systematic way and I really enjoyed it.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Visible thinking through talking

Week 4: Term 3
Visible thinking through talking.
Feeling so successful this week as I can see that my learners are developing/gaining cofidence to share through talking. Have been introducing Talk moves and speaking frames into our learning space especially in maths. I am seeing huge improvement in learners expressing their ideas.  Giving learners speaking frames is very powerful, especially second language learners

Reference :  Talk moves and Speaking Frames

Sunday, 13 August 2017


Today at the Leaders PLG i was affirmed and reminded to refer to the wealth of resources that we have within the Manaiakalani, such as Class on Air, the MIT, CoL Inquiry, Research from Wolfisher etc. Having watched Rob’s recount lesson was evident of this.  I was amazed what I learn from it and what really affirmed my practise.

In addition, in the group discussion, we share a common understanding of using dialogic approach in our learning spaces. It is encouraging our learners to make their thinking visible through talking. This is what I am trying to do this term is to encourage the talking using speaking frames.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Week 3: Term 3
Staff meeting this week was sharing on our journey as Teaching  Inquiry.  I had to lead the discussion and have to post the question that Graeme Aitken: asked at the Leader of Learning in Term 2.  “What are we trying to achieve?” (in our learning spaces). The discussions with our small staff was thought provoking and reassuring that we have shared the same understanding as Dr Aitken, even though not in exactly the same words.

Achieving those is what we inquire into our teaching.  It was evident that talk moves. The rich conversation we had and my hope that each of us will take it forward.

From Dr Graeme Aitken